Scottish Tory deputy leader quits in leadership contest row

Party leader Douglas Ross is reported to have said in 2023 that he should be replaced by Russell Findlay.
2024-08-16 18:07:17

Rayner denies UK government is forcing Scottish spending cuts

SNP ministers say they have been left in an "extraordinary position" by the UK Labour administration.
2024-08-15 21:06:28

Scotland scraps universal winter fuel payments for pensioners

The Scottish government says it has been left with "no choice" following cuts by the UK Chancellor.
2024-08-14 17:08:38

Watch: Scottish students sent blank emails instead of exam results

Some pupils across Scotland didn't get their results following a "technical issue" says exams body SQA.
2024-08-06 20:06:32

Former Gladiators referee John Anderson dies aged 92

The Scottish sports coach appeared in the show's original ITV run from1992 to 2000 and in its 2008 Sky revamp.
2024-07-29 02:07:23

Labour take key Scottish constituencies from SNP

According to the exit poll, Labour are on track to overtake the SNP as Scotland's biggest party.
2024-07-05 05:07:21

What impact could this election have on Scottish independence?

Whatever the outcome, it seems unlikely that the constitution will vanish as an issue in Scottish politics.
2024-06-27 06:07:30

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack insists he did not place any bets on the election in May.
2024-06-25 20:08:02

Scottish party leaders clash on cost-of-living and NHS

John Swinney, Anas Sarwar, Douglas Ross, Alex Cole-Hamilton and Lorna Slater took part in BBC Scotland's debate.
2024-06-12 00:06:38

Scottish party leaders face-off in live TV election debate

The five Scottish party leaders go head-to-head in a BBC Scotland Debate Night special programme.
2024-06-11 21:09:31

Douglas Ross to resign as leader of Scottish Conservatives

He will carry on in the role until after the election and will resign as an MSP if he is re-elected to Westminster.
2024-06-10 11:10:16

Scottish judges asked to scrap 87-year-old 'barrier to rape case justice'

The Lord Advocate will ask for some alleged victims' statements to be used as evidence in court.
2024-06-05 11:35:55

Bodies found in search for missing father and son

The family of a dad and son from Cheshire who went missing in the Scottish Highlands have been informed.
2024-05-30 10:11:08

'Mad cow disease' case found on farm in Scotland

The Scottish government said precautionary movement restrictions had been put in place.
2024-05-10 14:10:03

Brewdog boss James Watt steps down from CEO role

James Watt co-founded the Scottish brewery and pub group in Aberdeenshire in 2007.
2024-05-08 14:08:57

Scotland's new first minister to be selected by MSPs

John Swinney is expected to win the vote in the Scottish Parliament the day after he became SNP leader.
2024-05-07 15:10:05

Look back on a turbulent time in Scottish politics which concluded with the first minister quitting his job.
2024-04-29 18:08:40

The rise and fall of a first minister

A profile of Humza Yousaf, who has announced his resignation as SNP leader and Scottish first minister.
2024-04-29 14:08:29

Scottish Greens will vote to oust Yousaf after he ends power-sharing deal

Patrick Harvie says Humza Yousaf "burnt his bridges" by scrapping the power-sharing deal between the SNP and Greens.
2024-04-25 21:09:09

Scotland first minister calls cabinet meeting amid Green deal speculation

The agenda is not known, but it follows speculation about the future of the power-sharing agreement with the Scottish Greens.
2024-04-25 09:08:24

SNP Targets UK Election in Tough Quest for Independence Vote

Post Content
2023-10-15 22:07:50

Scotland to ditch key climate change target

The Scottish government is to scrap its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030.
2024-04-17 20:09:27

Lewis Capaldi struggles to finish Glastonbury set

After suffering vocal problems, the Scottish star suggests he might have to take an extended break.
2023-06-24 23:10:10

Egykori iskolája róla mintázott szobrot adott Lewis Capaldinak ? az énekes helyett Gollamról mintázhatták

Arról ír a Daily Mail, hogy Lewis Capaldi brit énekes nemrég szoboravatón járt: volt iskolájának diákjai az énekes új albumának apropójából készítettek egy szobrot, amit Capaldiról mintáztak. Ezt egy színpadias esemény keretei közt mutatták meg az énekesnek. Miután a szobrot leleplezték, Capaldin különös arckifejezések voltak láthatók ? bár olyan mimikát akkor se tudott volna az arcára varázsolni, mint amilyenekkel a bronz műalkotás látható. Lewis Capaldi presented with statue by pupils at former school. Credit: Wattie Cheung ? STV News (@STV...
2023-05-22 20:09:34

Foglyul ejtette az úton az elektromos autója, végül csak egy rendőrbuszba hajtva tudott megállni egy sofőr Skóciában

Egy munkából hazafelé tartó skót férfi, Brian Morrison vasárnap este úgy érezhette, hogy hirtelen a Féktelenül című film nem létező harmadik folytatásában találhatta magát. Az 54 éves férfi a Guardian cikke szerint azt állítja, hogy az új elektromos autója menet közben meghibásodott, és bárhogy taposta a féket, nem akart 15 mérföld/órás ? azaz 25 kilométer/órás ? sebességnél lassabban haladni. Ezért a rendőrséget kellett segítségül hívnia, hogy meg tudjon állni. Morrison a Scottish Sunnak nyilatkozva az mondta, hogy a meghibásodott autót, az MG nevű kínai autógyártó egyik ZS EV típusú utcai te...
2023-10-05 13:14:44

Háromszáz éves kincseket találtak egy kandallóba rejtve

Több mint háromszáz éves pénzkupacot fedeztek fel egy skót kőkandallóban elrejtve ? írja a Live Science. A régészek úgy vélik, a kincsek egy klánfőé lehettek, akit egy 17. századi mészárlás közben öltek meg. A kutatók egy Glencoe-ban található vadászház feltárása közben bukkantak a leletekre. Glencoe ma gyönyörű vízeséseiről és kiránduló helyeiről ismert, azonban ez a település volt a helyszíne a MacDonald klán és az angol király közötti 1692-es véres leszámolásnak is. A MacDonaldok nem fogadtak hűséget III. Vilmosnak és II. Mária királynőnek ezért az uralkodók 100 katonát küldtek Glencoe-ba, ...
2023-10-09 09:10:31

Scottish leader's wife fears for 'terrified' family in Gaza

Nadia El-Nakla's parents are stuck in Gaza and her mother warns the family is running out of food.
2023-10-11 22:10:51

Court says blocking of Scottish gender reform is legal

Judges rule that the UK government acted lawfully in blocking Scotland's gender self-identification reforms.
2023-12-08 14:11:19

I want to return as a Gladiator, says Scottish winner

Finlay Anderson triumphed in the final of the athletic competition, defeating Wesley Malé.
2024-03-31 11:08:04

Scottish government scraps climate change targets

The annual and interim climate targets will be replaced with a system measuring emissions every five years.
2024-04-18 19:09:45

Turner Prize short list includes art showcasing Scottish Sikh community

Glasgow-born Jasleen Kaur is one of four artists nominated for this year's prestigious art award.
2024-04-24 13:08:59


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